Next MELA Meeting: TBD
Speaker: TBD
Topic: TBD
The meeting schedule is as follows: A board meeting from 11:00 to noon. A lunch for all General Membership meeting attendees will follow from noon to 1:00pm (please RSVP for an accurate headcount and any dietary restrictions). The General Membership meeting starts at approximately 1:00 pm. An agenda will be distributed approximately two weeks prior to the meeting. Mark your calendars!
NOTE: ALL Meetings will be virtual until further notice
In person meetings will be held at the University Club of MSU located at:
3435 Forest Rd, Lansing Township, MI 48910.
General Membership meeting starts at 1:00 pm, with the board meeting from 11:00 am to noon followed by lunch from noon to 1:00pm. All attendees are invited for lunch on the association. Agenda will be distributed approximately two weeks prior to the meeting. Mark your calendars!